Retirement calculator

Retirement calculator

Check if you are on track to the retirement you want. Fill in the questions below to get your personal numbers.

I am currently
years old.  
My pre-tax anunal income is
and I currently have
Use joint total savings if you’re married.
total in savings.

Every month I save
A good benchmark/target: 10% of total income. Include any employer contributions/match on your 401k.
I will need
A common rule of thumb is living on 60-70% of your working years monthly income.
per month in retirement.  
I expect to have
Include any additional income(Social Security, pension, rental income, etc). you plan to receive during your retirement.
in additional income.

I want to retire at the age of
Currently, the full retirement age is 66 for people born in 1955. The earliest they can claim Social Security is at age 62, but the benefit is locked in at a lower rate for life. So if you want the full benefit, you take it at 66. If you wish to maximize it, you take it at 70. You are never forced to claim SS, so it is recommended to those that can, to live off of savings or keep working/saving and wait to claim in order to maximize their SS benefits.
My life expectancy is
How long should your money last you? People are living longer than ever before due to medical advancements. Planning for a long retirement is the wise thing to do.
Other Factors to Consider
Investment rate of return
According to historical records, the average annual return of the S&P 500(benchmark of the market) since its inception in 1926 through 2022 is approximately 10%. It's recommended to use a more conservative rate of return closer to 7%.
Return After Retirement
Annual Inflation
Annual Increase in Salary
How much will you need to retire at 70?

You will have about


You will need about

Retirements Savings Goal
> 95 to goal
Of Your Goal
Let's make sure you don't run out of money
Great start, but let's get you closer to your goal.
Not far now, Let's just save a little bit more.
You're crushing! Lets see if you can max it out.
If you find yourself not meeting your personal goals, there are still a few things you can do to catch up and get ahead. Click the button below to select a preferred option and get started.
Nice! Looks like you already started but have some catching up to do. Click the button below to discover additional resources to help you get back on track with your goals.
You are so close, you can taste it. Click the button below to discover additional opportunities to help you get that small extra boost.
Great work! Is this it, or do you think you can do better? Click the button below to explore other options.
Get Started (It’s Free)
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Dots Square
Make sure you never run out of money
Use our calculator to determine how much money you will have total in savings for living expenses in retirement. The goal is to estimate a dollar figure and make sure you never run out of money. To do that, you must include inflation and the your expected rate of return during retirement.

Inflation rate or 4%.

A 4% rate of return during retirement(including annuities or supplemental life insurance benefits)

Salary increases of 2%.

Enter your current age, ideal age to retire, your life expectancy, current annual income, total current savings and the amount you currently save each month to get an idea where you are in your joinery. The section "Other Factors to Consider" is important because inflation will erode your savings as time goes on and having your pile of cash growing during retirement is crucial not to run out.
Tips on improving your numbers.
Here are some things you can do to increase your chances of retiring comfortably at your ideal age or even earlier.

Start saving earlier.
The compound effect is the 8th wonder of the world according to Einstein. If you are young, time is still on your side. It would require a lower rate of return if you start today opposed to starting in 5 years. See how it would affect your numbers here .

Start investing more of your paycheck.
If you have access to a 401k and your employer matches it, TAKE THE FREE MONEY! If your are self employed, look into setting up a SEP account.

Learn about Individual Retirement Accounts

Select more aggressive investments and diversify.
Maybe consider looking into crypto and real estate. Cashflow is king. Especially in retirement. The more golden geese you have the more golden eggs...

How much money should I plan to retire on?
Things to keep in mind when trying to determine how much you will need in retirement.

Will you still have a mortgage payment? Student loans? Credit card debt? Auto loan? If you answered "No" to most of these questions, you will most likely need less money to cover living expenses in retirement. Expect to live off of 70% of your current annual income in retirement. Learn to live below your means by choice, not out of necessity. But keep in mind, Health Insurance/Medicare and Long Term Care can erode your nest egg quickly, so always include that in your calculation.

The hardest part is getting started. Figuring out where you want to be and how to bridge the gap between you and your goal. It's a long term play, and you need to be comfortable with setting money aside and not touch it until you are 60 years old(to avoid paying the 10% penalty on your 401k). Try to maximize every one of your investments, and never forget the tax man. Diversify your money between qualified and non-qualified dollars so when the time comes, you keep more of your money.