Compare 2021 Car Insurance Rates Online

Compare 2021 Car Insurance Rates Online

Most states in the US require auto insurance coverage by law (excluding Virginia, Mississippi, and New Hampshire). Because this expense is necessary to drive legally, many drivers aim to find the best price for auto insurance coverage.

Fortunately, shopping around for decent auto insurance rates is doable. It’s important to consider the factors that go into determining car insurance rates.

Factors of Car Insurance Rates

There are several factors that are going to affect a person’s car insurance rate, both positively and negatively.

  • Age and gender: Age and gender can play a big role in car insurance rates. While women tend to pay around 1% more than men over 25, men under 20 can pay up to 14% more on their coverage. Drivers of both genders that are around 25 are going to pay more than drivers that are older than 40. It’s good to keep in mind that once a driver reaches 65, they can once again expect to pay more for coverage than a 40-year-old.
  • DUI in driving history: Having a DUI on an individual’s driving record can increase their car insurance rates for up to 10 years. In fact, rates can be up to 75% higher for a driver with a DUI than for other drivers.
  • Credit score: In most states, having a low credit score is going to negatively impact a driver’s car insurance coverage. Drivers with poor credit can expect to spend around 40% more for car insurance coverage than drivers with good credit.
  • Speeding tickets in driving history: Insured drivers can expect to pay roughly 25% more for car insurance when they have had a ticket on their driving record in the past three years.
  • At-fault accidents in driving history: An at-fault accident will increase car insurance rates. However, accident history is typically more forgiving than DUI history. Usually, at-fault accidents only raise rates about 13%.

Comparing Car Insurance Rates

There are several ways that an individual can save money on their car insurance rates, and of course, shopping around is a smart way to ensure a great deal. Two of the biggest variation factors in rates lie in the insurance company itself, and the driver’s state of residence.

  • Car Insurance Rates By Company: Drivers can work with major insurance companies like Geico and Allstate. If the option is available, they can also get insured through smaller companies. If the driver already has a home insurance or life insurance policy with one company, adding a car insurance policy might present savings opportunities. It’s wise to compare quotes from a handful of companies rather than choosing only one.
  • Car Insurance Rates By State: Car insurance rates may differ depending on where the driver lives. The state a driver resides in may have several factors that impact the overall pricing of insurance coverage. These factors may include weather conditions, traffic congestion, or legal requirements. While it isn’t as easy to pack up and move states, individuals residing in lower-rate areas may find themselves at an advantage.

Choosing Liability Level

A policy’s coverage amount is going to affect insurance rates as well. For the state-minimum, rates will be lower than they would be for individuals who are paying for full coverage car insurance.

To determine how much coverage an individual needs, it’s important to first be aware of what car insurance coverage entails. Coverage applies to three different factors: individual injuries, total injuries, and property damage. In the event of an accident, drivers need to be certain they have enough coverage to take care of damages. If they’re in an at-fault accident, they will be responsible for the damages.

In an accident where one involved driver doesn’t have insurance, the insured driver will have to rely on their own insurance to cover the damages.

In many states, having uninsured motorist coverage is required by law. It’s important to be aware of any additional state requirements for coverage in a given area. Based on location factors and driving history, an agent should be able to help drivers choose the right amount of coverage.

For individuals who are driving a vehicle that’s being financed, full coverage insurance is typically required.

When deciding on what sort of insurance coverage you’d like to have on your vehicle, it’s wise to ask questions, shop around, and compare rates. Even if you’re already insured with a company, it’s in your best interest to compare the rates you pay with quotes from other companies. Doing so every six months can help ensure you’re still getting the best rates possible.

To get a car insurance quote, have your personal information, driving history, and vehicle information ready to submit. Doing so correctly will ensure that you’re getting the best rate you qualify for.